Thursday, December 15, 2011

It's No Long "Fu** the Police": Technology introduces "Film the Police"

2011 is right in the middle of the golden age of technology.

Social networking sites have revolutionized how news is reported in an attempt to make governments accountable.

Revolutions now start on Facebook and Twitter

The Egyptian revolution started with the tweets talking about democracy in Egypt for example.

And the recent Occupy movement worldwide is also another great example of technology changing the news.

The footage from Occupy UC Davis was taken by citizens, and is a great way to hold police accountable for their actions. 

There is now a rap video that parodies N.W.A's controversial "Fuck the Police", and turns it into "Film the Police" by B. Dolan and a variety of other rappers. 

So, next time you feel threatened by a cop for whatever reason, pull out that cell phone, or camera, because the video will be proof.

I leave you with a video that is not about the police, but still applies to our lives. The educational rap made me think of a video my A.P. economics teacher showed my class. Sit back, and enjoy the laughs.

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