Wednesday, June 20, 2012

American Libertarian Confessional Wednesday

No one is perfect.

I am not infallible, nor do I have all the answers to all the questions in the world, but please listen to what I have to say.

Freedom isn't free.

Men and Women die every day for our f***ed up political system that doesn't seem to care about them.

There are politicians who would say that a woman has no right to an abortion, or that terminal cancer patients do not have the right to a less painful death, or that adults have no right to consume a variety of substances that, whether we like it or not, are being used and sold every day.

We must face the fact that by waging a war on drugs, we create violence and this helps lose the spirit of our Constitution by slowly outlawing civil liberties. 

I am not usually one to come out and say "TAX IT!", but taxing these currently illegal substances would stop the black market and get people education instead of incarceration.

I'm not saying all the violence associated with the farming of various substances would be eliminated, but also consider this:

 Drug Lords are forced to moved farms whenever they are found out. 

When this happens, thousands upon thousands of acres of land in the rain forests are cut down to replace the old farm land that has now been found. 

Gang Violence associated with substances that can be locally grown, such as Cannabis or certain strains of Poppy, will decrease because their customer base will have fled to the new legal market which is a naturally occurring part of a capitalistic system. 

And, substances that could easily have been tainted would be able to regulated to reduce the risk of accidental death by unknown chemicals. 

As for my comment about abortion:
My definition of an infant is that the fetus is able to survive outside of the womb. 

Until such time, it is a part of the woman's body, and she should be able to choose whether or not to carry the pregnancy to full term.

"What about Euthanasia?" you ask.

What about it? I'm not saying people should go to the doctor any time they want to off themselves, but I'm also not saying that people shouldn't have the right to choose whether they live or die.

"Suicide is bad though!"

It's not so much about whether or not someone who is terminally ill should be able to kill themselves, but about everyone's right to do whatever they want with their body.

We may not agree with that person's choices, but we are not the one's living that path. 

Your body is your own and you should be able to do whatever you desire to it, whether it is fatal or otherwise. 

It may be depressing to family members and/or friends, but it's NOT THEIR LIFE.

We say that we are more humane to people now, but we allow them to slowly rot from the inside out and die painfully or so doped on pain medications that they can't see straight. 

Is that REALLY humane? 

My father  has the degenerative auto-immune disorder called psoritic arthritis, which attacks the body's own joins,skin, and occasionally the muscles with the immune system and can cause a variety of health problems and pain throughout life. 

I also know that I could lose this person to this same disease. 

I love my father very much, and am a true daddy's girl, but I would honor his wishes if he wished to end his pain.

There are people who would use suicide to get away from the world and its every day emotional pains, which can be seen as cruel and irresponsible, but there are also those who would welcome the end of suffering. 

But these are all victim-less crimes (and yes, I know Pro-Lifers would disagree, but here's one more view on it: There are so many children, and so many in the "system", that it is cruel to try and ask someone to carry a child to term when the child is going to possibly end up like thousands of other children. We should try to adopt the children we already have first)
 And, prostitutes having sex for money is another example of a victim-less crime that is illegal for ridiculous reasons. 

I don't know how many readers there are, or how many people even care about what I have to say, but this is my opinion. 

Feel free to respectfully disagree, but realize that we may already be very different. 

I'm a white, middle-class 20 year old woman from the American South who was raised by two atheists who happen to love hunting AND civil liberties, as well as fiscal responsibility. 

My parents are also small business owners. 

When I was born, we lived in a trailer park. No shame in admitting it. We simply didn't have the money to buy a house. 

But as I got older and my dad was able to grow the business, we were able to live more comfortably.

I've been bullied because of my lack of religion, and yet no one paused to think that it is just as mean and spiteful to make fun of the atheist child's beliefs as it is to do it to the Jewish or Muslim kids.

This is a f***ed up world we live in where we can see blood and gore and terrible violence on television, but  hell freezes over at the sight of a nipple, which is a non-sexual organ. It's like getting up in arms about showing a cow's udder.

Our government officials ignore the people and vote for whatever they want, no matter what the people say they desire. (We've all gotten the letter back from our Congressman that says "this is what and why I am voting and you can't change it".)

And not only do they ignore the People, they spend Their money on pork barrel legislation while ignoring the thousands of lines of Legislation already in place which could be picked through and culled to help alleviate governmental debts and pay for day to day funding rather than upping taxes.

This is partially a late night rant because I am bored, but please think about what you've just read.

I really wish that someone will read this and take away from the blog some new information to sway them toward Libertarianism. 

Have a wonderful night.



  1. For those who have a white block covering two sections of this text (if you are like me)

    *We must face the fact that by waging a war on drugs, we create violence and this helps lose the spirit of our Constitution by slowly outlawing civil liberties.


    **Your body is your own and you should be able to do whatever you desire to it, whether it is fatal or otherwise.

  2. Interesting, even thought I am a pro lifer i believe firmly in every one s freedom to do and live the way he wants as long as it does not cause any pain to the others.
